Monday, November 9, 2009

Gotta love Costco

So on Saturday I informed Rick that we needed toilet paper and asked if he wanted to go to Costco to get some. He obliges and we take the family to Costco to get toilet paper. This is what we ended up with:

Crab cakes
Chocolate peppermint bark(sooo good)
Sushi rolls
Orange chicken
Zip lock baggies
and last but not least
Toilet paper

I don't know if this ever happens to your family but this ALWAYS happens to us. We go in for one or two things and when the total is over $100 we just kind of look at each other and shrug.
I guess this is why Rick hates going to Costco. We never can get out of there for under $100.
And everyone says that we are in a recesion but Costco is still as busy as ever, I wonder how their stock is holding up. I just might have to look into that.

So the next time we go to Costco I think it will just be me, we always tend to buy more when we have all of us.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Hahahahaha. Didn't you know that it was against the law to leave Costco with less than $100 worth of purchases in your cart????