Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My multi colored toilet

So this incident with Goobey actually made me quite upset. I still am NOT laughing nor think that it's funny.

So everyone who lives in Arizona knows that it is hotter than a mother in the summer, so most mothers give in to their children eating Popsicles. They are low in calories and the kids love them. Well, Goobey has an obsession with them. This last summer we would catch him sneaking downstairs(over the gate and pulling a chair up to the fridge) to retrieve this beloved treat.

One day we were all sitting downstairs in the evening enjoying a movie and my sweet 2 year old comes out of the downstairs bathroom with a Popsicle stick. I tell her to throw it away and she does. Then she comes out again and again each time with another Popsicle stick. After about the fifth stick I decide to get off my lazy buns and see what is going on in the bathroom.
To my dismay there is an entire box of 36 Popsicles sitting on top of the toilet lid. Let me say that it was brand new as of that morning.
They all had melted and were all over the toilet, floor and rug. I started screaming. He knew he was in trouble because he went running. To this day the toilet lid is still multi colored. Every time I gotta go I think of him.


Marilyn said...

I know you're not laughing, but I am.

Jessica said...

(Snickering) Ok so I had an anatomy teacher who taught us all about all the inside and outside business of the body...he constantly reminded us that we would be thinking of him in the shower and in the bathroom, to this day I am reminded of this teacher whenever I have to 'go'.

Lisa said...

Okay, that really is funny if you're not the one who has to clean it up! Kids, gotta love em!