Friday, November 13, 2009

Silly Gooby

So my 2nd little boy seems to quite the mischievous little devil. My mother in law said I should make a blog just for him so I think I will post as I can remember. I call him Gooby so for all intensive purposes that is what he will known in the blogger world.

One of my fondest adventures was when Gooby discovered how to unlock the refrigerator lock. When he was almost three he comes up stairs and is so proud to show me the eggs that he had in his hands. I immediately run down stairs to no mess in the kitchen. I open the fridge and it is clean. I then open up the egg carton to find no eggs inside. Now I knew that this was a brand new carton of eggs and he had only brought two upstairs to me.

I look in the fridge and in the sink and can't find them anywhere. Baffled I went into the laundry room to look for the missing eggs and find dry spaghetti noodles on the floor instead, right in front of the washing machine. Not really thinking about it I open the washing machine to find my ten missing eggs and a pound of dry spaghetti noodles. Thank goodness there was not a load of laundry in there. I could only laugh and pulled out all of the dry noodles and eggs shells and ran an empty load to clean it out.

When I asked him about it he just said he was cooking. Oh, my sweet little Gooby. Just remembering this story and the sweet innocent look he had on his face makes me smile.

Now just to make this clear. We DO NOT cook in the washing machine. That was all him.


Jessica said...

He was just cooking! Ha your posts are so funny.

Amy said...

I'm so glad you're getting all these hilarious stories written up. Someday you should write a book!