Sunday, November 8, 2009

The longest day of the week

For some reason Sundays seem to be the longest days of the week. I don't know if it is because we wrestle with four kids at church or that we are with all four kids all day long. All I know is that when 7 pm rolls around on Sunday nights Rick and I have pretty much no t0lerance for our children. Not that we don't love them because we do immensely but sometimes they just drive us nuts.
For instance, last week one night we were reading family scriptures and there was a picture of Christ teaching people after he had been resurrected that fell out of the book. Evelyn quickly snatched the picture and says " Jesus". I say good job and go about telling them stories that are on the back of the picture. That night she goes to bed with it and she informs me that the man in the picture is now " My Jesus".
The next morning she comes out of her room with the picture in hand and carries it pretty much every where she goes. This obviously is too much for Alexander and he must have his turn holding the picture. He decided to take the picture and when Evelyn figures out he has it she exclaims " My Jesus". He then yells back " My Jesus". They continue this little banter for a few seconds before I brake in. I try to explain that he is actually all of our "Jesus" but that wasn't good enough for Evelyn. You gotta love a 2 year old.


jen said...

LOL...this is awesome.

Marilyn said...

I'm laughing too. I remember the good ol days when trying to wrestle children ALONE while my husband was gone all way. Good times.

Jessica said...

HA! That is so funny.